support US educating gen next
Help us build the better future together.
We are stepping together with FIRST – the world’s leading youth-serving nonprofit advancing STEM education. We’re partnering with an inclusive, global robotics community working together to prepare young people for the future. Whether it’s finding their people or finding their path, FIRST students gain the skills and confidence to forge ahead and build their future.
We hope you support our mission and help make FIRST programs available to more teams/student in our community.

Costs for running a FIRST LEGO League team vary depending on the division and level of participation. There are never any “per student” fees; all costs for individual team members are assumed by the team as a group. We are actively looking for grants and sponsorships to cover the following expenses per team.
Team Registration FEE.
(APPROX. $150.00)
LEGO Education SPIKE Essential SET.
(AppRox. $350)
poster and stationary supplies.
(APPROX. $100)
TEAM SWAG and final expo materials.
(APPROX. $100)
(APPROX. $100)
Donate us! And help us make a difference
Please donate to us by sending your contribution to via Zelle. No amount is too small, your donation will make a big impact on our kids and community. We will recognize your contribution on our website. We are a registered non-profit organization and on a final step for 501(c)(3) approval. We will provide you receipt if you need it.